About K-Spar

K-Spar Inc. was established in 1994 to provide consulting services that focused on environmental contaminant transport modeling and radiological dose risk assessment. President and founder Arthur S. Rood, has over 30 years of experience in radiological and environmental risk assessment.

K-Spar has participated in some of the major dose reconstruction projects including the Rocky Flats Plant, Savannah River Site, and the Hanford Reservation. Additionally, K-Spar has participated in a number of special studies including determination of appropriate soil action levels at the Rocky Flats Plant, analysis of the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos, New Mexico, and reconstruction of exposures and doses from the Uravan Colorado uranium mill, the Apollo Pennsylvania Uranium Enrichment Facility, and Mallinckrodt Chemical Works St Louis MO. More recently, K-Spar has assisted uranium mining companies with environmental compliance issues regarding radon in ambient air and particulate air monitoring optimization in the Grants Mineral Belt NM. K-Spar has also performed groundwater modeling work at the Idaho National Laboratory for low-level radioactive waste facilities and CERCLA site closures, air dispersion modeling for PSD analysis, and analysis of ambient air monitoring networks.