Rocky Flats Dose Reconstruction Project

Project Description

Reconstruct atmospheric concentrations of plutonium and chemicals from airborne releases at the Rocky Flats Plant. Compute lifetime cancer risk with uncertainty to representative persons exposed to airborne plutonium and chemicals.


  • Rood, A.S., H.A. Grogan, and J.E. Till, 2002. “A Model for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Plutonium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant, 1953–1989.” Health Physics 82(2)
  • Rood, A.S., P.D. McGavran, J. Aanennson, 2000. “Stochastic Estimates of Carcinogenic Risk with Uncertainty from Carbon Tetrachloride Released from the Rocky Flats Plant.” Risk Analysis ,21(4), pp. 675-696
